Digital Marketing Tips

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If you feel that your business is lagging behind your competitors, it means that there is something you are not doing right. Thus, you need some quick digital marketing tips to allow you to turn the tables around. You need a strategy that can enable you to give your competitors a run for their money. This article delves into digital marketing tips that will help you beat your competitors in 2020.

  1. Have a strategy

Most business owners get it wrong when it comes to implementing a marketing strategy. They try to do everything at once, hoping to get results. For instance, they will want to remain active on all the ten social media. This is wrong because it leads to posting blogs that are haphazardly written. Also, it becomes challenging to manage all these social media accounts and leads to complacency. Thus, the best strategy here is to pick on the two most important social media in your niche and focus on them. Besides, you will need to remain consistent. It will help you to determine if the campaign strategy is working or not. Also, it will help you to build a loyal following.

  1. Capitalize on Influencer Marketing

The role of influencers is continuing to increase in internet marketing arena. Indeed, influencers are becoming an essential in online marketing. It is all about using influential people for inspiration in your category. They will help you built and promote your brand. Influencers will become valuable referrals that your business needs to grow. Notice that consumers will more likely buy products influencers recommend. The strategy works well if you are targeting millennial. Their peer’s recommendations easily influence how they make decisions. So keeping track of influencers in your niche can increase your brand’s visibility.

  1. The email list is still working

There is a misconception that email marketing is dead. This is wrong. For your information, email marketing is still a valuable asset when it comes to digital marketing. Studies show that customers still buy products via email. Also, the other important aspect of email marketing list is that you own the list and so you can use it any time you want. The list will help you to turn cold prospects into regular customers that pay.

  1. Content is still king

How you play around with your content determines your success. You can create content in a variety of media that include info graphics, blog posts, webinars, and videos. You need to apply the 80-20% rule. This rule requires that 80% of any content you use to communicate your value, while the remaining 20% should be promotional. But the content needs to be fresh and unique. It must also be tailored to solving a problem that your target audience faces. Content will help you get targeted traffic, build trust and establish customer loyalty

  1. Leverage SEO

If you are just getting into the digital marketing field, you may have heard about SEO. Unfortunately, many startups shy off from it because they are made to believe that SEO is complicated and expensive. But search engine optimization remains the best method to drive traffic onto your website. Selecting a strong business name and keyword can significantly influence your website ranking. Think about link building, page optimization and mobile device optimization. Hire a part-time SEO expert to get all this done cheaply.

  1. Paid advertising

Many businesses blow out their budget on PPC. They do so without creating a sales funnel that can help them drive sales. So before you embark on PPC, build a sales funnel that can work for your type of business. The marketing funnel should be capable of converting the traffic you receive into buying prospects.

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